Home Selection Sicherheit steigern mit DAHUA NVR-Systemen: Fortschrittliche Überwachungslösungen

Sicherheit steigern mit DAHUA NVR-Systemen: Fortschrittliche Überwachungslösungen

Sicherheit steigern mit DAHUA NVR-Systemen: Fortschrittliche Überwachungslösungen

Sicherheit steigern mit DAHUA NVR-Systemen: Fortschrittliche Überwachungslösungen.In der heutigen, sich schnell entwickelnden Sicherheitslandschaft sind robuste und zuverlässige Überwachungssysteme unerlässlich. DAHUA Technology, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Videoüberwachung, bietet eine umfassende Palette von Netzwerk-Videorekordern (NVR) an, die auf verschiedene Sicherheitsbedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind. In diesem Artikel werden die Merkmale und Vorteile der DAHUA NVR-Systeme erläutert, deren Rolle in einem integrierten CCTV-System beschrieben und ein Überblick über die verschiedenen NVR-Serien von DAHUA gegeben, darunter die Serien Wizmind, Wizsense, Ultra und Pro.

Überblick über das Überwachungsökosystem von DAHUA

Das Überwachungsökosystem von DAHUA ist darauf ausgelegt, qualitativ hochwertige, skalierbare und zuverlässige Sicherheitslösungen zu bieten. Diese Systeme eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, von kleinen Einzelhandelsgeschäften bis hin zu großen Industrieanlagen. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Ökosystems stehen die DAHUA NVR-Systeme, die eine effiziente Videoaufzeichnung, -speicherung und -verwaltung gewährleisten.

Wichtige Komponenten eines DAHUA CCTV-Systems

Ein typisches DAHUA CCTV-System umfasst mehrere wesentliche Komponenten:

  1. Netzwerk-Videorekorder (NVRs): NVRs sind das Rückgrat eines CCTV-Systems und verantwortlich für die Aufzeichnung und Verwaltung von Videoaufnahmen der Netzwerkkameras. Sie unterstützen die Videowiedergabe, Datenspeicherung und den Fernzugriff.
  2. Netzwerkkameras (IPCs): Diese Kameras erfassen hochauflösende Videoaufnahmen und bieten erweiterte Funktionen wie KI-gestützte Analysen, Nachtsicht und wetterfeste Designs.
  3. Zusätzliche Sicherheitsgeräte: Dazu gehören Bewegungsmelder, Alarme und Zugangskontrollsysteme, die sich nahtlos mit den NVRs integrieren lassen, um die gesamte Sicherheit zu erhöhen.
  4. Netzwerkgeräte: Router, Switches und PoE-Injektoren (Power over Ethernet) gewährleisten eine reibungslose Datenübertragung zwischen den Kameras und den NVRs und sorgen für ein zuverlässiges Überwachungsnetzwerk.

Funktionsweise der DAHUA NVR-Systeme in einem CCTV-Setup

DAHUA NVR-Systeme sind entscheidend für ein voll funktionsfähiges CCTV-System. So integrieren und arbeiten sie innerhalb des Netzwerks:

  1. Videoaufzeichnung und -speicherung: NVRs empfangen Videoübertragungen von Netzwerkkameras über ein lokales Netzwerk (LAN). Sie kodieren und speichern diese Übertragungen auf internen oder externen Festplatten und stellen sicher, dass hochwertige Aufnahmen zur Überprüfung verfügbar sind.
  2. Videowiedergabe und -verwaltung: NVRs ermöglichen die Wiedergabe von aufgezeichneten Aufnahmen, sodass Benutzer Ereignisse überprüfen und analysieren können. Sie sind mit benutzerfreundlichen Schnittstellen ausgestattet, die die Navigation und Verwaltung von Videos vereinfachen.
  3. Intelligente Videoanalysen: DAHUA NVRs verfügen über KI-Funktionen, die fortschrittliche Videoanalysen wie Bewegungsdetektion, Gesichtserkennung und Objektverfolgung ermöglichen. Diese Funktionen helfen bei der proaktiven Sicherheitsverwaltung, indem sie Echtzeit-Benachrichtigungen und umsetzbare Erkenntnisse liefern.
  4. Fernzugriff und -steuerung: DAHUA NVRs bieten Fernzugriffsfunktionen, sodass Benutzer Live-Feeds und aufgezeichnete Aufnahmen von überall aus über mobile Geräte oder Computer anzeigen können. Diese Funktion ist besonders vorteilhaft für Unternehmen mit mehreren Standorten oder für Sicherheitsmanager, die Standorte aus der Ferne überwachen müssen.

Überblick über die DAHUA NVR-Serien

DAHUA bietet mehrere NVR-Serien an, die jeweils auf spezifische Sicherheitsanforderungen und Anwendungen zugeschnitten sind. Hier sind die wichtigsten Merkmale und Vorteile jeder Serie:


Die Wizmind-Serie ist für fortschrittliche Analysen und KI-gesteuerte Überwachung konzipiert. Diese NVRs bieten Funktionen wie:

  • Deep Learning Algorithmen: Für eine präzise Erkennung und Identifizierung von Objekten und Gesichtern.
  • Erweiterte Videoanalysen: Einschließlich Verhaltensanalyse, Personenzählung und Heatmapping.
  • Hohe Leistung: Unterstützt hohe Auflösungen und große Speicherkapazitäten.


Die Wizsense-Serie konzentriert sich auf intelligente und erschwingliche Überwachungslösungen. Wichtige Funktionen sind:

  • Intelligente Bewegungserkennung: Reduziert Fehlalarme durch Unterscheidung zwischen Menschen und anderen Objekten.
  • Schnelle Zielsuche: Ermöglicht die schnelle Identifizierung spezifischer Ereignisse oder Objekte in aufgezeichnetem Material.
  • Kosteneffektiv: Bietet ein Gleichgewicht zwischen fortschrittlichen Funktionen und Erschwinglichkeit.


Die Ultra-Serie ist für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen konzipiert, die höchste Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit erfordern. Merkmale sind:

  • 4K Auflösungsunterstützung: Für ultra-klare Videoqualität.
  • Skalierbarkeit: Kann große Mengen an Kameras und Daten verarbeiten.
  • Erweiterte Sicherheit: Funktionen wie RAID-Speicher und fortschrittliche Verschlüsselung sorgen für Datensicherheit und -integrität.


Die Pro-Serie bietet professionelle NVRs, die sich für verschiedene Anwendungen eignen. Funktionen sind:

  • Umfassende Kompatibilität: Unterstützt eine breite Palette von Kameramodellen und Technologien.
  • Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche: Vereinfacht die Einrichtung und Verwaltung.
  • Robuste Leistung: Gewährleistet einen zuverlässigen Betrieb in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen.

Häufige Anwendungsfälle für DAHUA NVR-Systeme

DAHUA NVR-Systeme sind vielseitig einsetzbar und können für verschiedene Anwendungen angepasst werden, darunter:

  1. Einzelhandelssicherheit: Überwachen Sie Eingänge, Gänge und Kassenbereiche, um Diebstahl zu verhindern und die Sicherheit der Kunden zu erhöhen. NVR-Systeme bieten kontinuierliche Aufzeichnung und Wiedergabeoptionen, um Vorfälle zu überprüfen.
  2. Wohnsicherheit: Sichern Sie Perimeter, Eingänge und Gemeinschaftsbereiche in Wohnanlagen. NVR-Systeme können in Hausautomationssysteme integriert werden, um eine umfassende Sicherheitslösung zu bieten.
  3. Industrielle Überwachung: Überwachen Sie große Industrieanlagen, Lagerhäuser und Produktionslinien, um die Betriebssicherheit und die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zu gewährleisten. NVRs ermöglichen die Echtzeitüberwachung und Aufzeichnung kritischer Bereiche.
  4. Öffentliche Sicherheit: Einsatz in öffentlichen Räumen wie Parks, Straßen und Verkehrsknotenpunkten, um Aktivitäten zu überwachen und die öffentliche Sicherheit zu erhöhen. NVRs ermöglichen die zentrale Verwaltung mehrerer Kameras an verschiedenen Standorten.
  5. Kritische Infrastruktur: Schützen Sie kritische Infrastrukturen wie Kraftwerke, Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen und Telekommunikationsnetze. NVR-Systeme stellen sicher, dass alle Aktivitäten aufgezeichnet und bei Sicherheitsüberprüfungen zugänglich sind.

Mögliche Technische Probleme und Lösungen

Während die DAHUA NVR-Systeme für Zuverlässigkeit ausgelegt sind, können einige technische Probleme auftreten. Hier sind einige häufige Probleme und Lösungen:

  1. Netzwerkverbindungsprobleme: Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Geräte ordnungsgemäß verbunden und im Netzwerk konfiguriert sind. Überprüfen Sie Kabel, Switches und Router auf Fehler.
  2. Speicherprobleme: Überprüfen Sie regelmäßig den Speicherstatus und verwalten Sie den Speicherplatz, indem Sie die automatische Löschung alter Aufnahmen einrichten. Verwenden Sie RAID-Konfigurationen für Datensicherheit.
  3. Probleme bei der Videowiedergabe: Stellen Sie sicher, dass der NVR und die Anzeigegeräte kompatibel und ordnungsgemäß konfiguriert sind. Aktualisieren Sie Firmware und Software auf die neuesten Versionen.
  4. Fernzugriffsprobleme: Überprüfen Sie die Internetverbindung und die richtigen Portweiterleitungseinstellungen. Verwenden Sie die dedizierten Apps von DAHUA für einen nahtlosen Fernzugriff.

DAHUA NVR616DRH-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.  Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports LCD screen, redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616DH-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports LCD screen, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616DRH-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports LCD screen, redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616DH-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports LCD screen, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616RH-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616H-128-XI 128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616RH-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616H-64-XI 64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616RH-32-XI 32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR616H-32-XI 32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 3U 16HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.
> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.
> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.
> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.
> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.
> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.
> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.
> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.
> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608RH-128-XI 128CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



128CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608RH-64-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608RH-32-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608H-128-XI 128CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608H-64-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 64 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR608H-32-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 1280/1280/1024 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 40 face databases and 300,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 32-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI, Drawer-like chassis design allows for HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, One-click Arming & Disarming.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5816H-XI  16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5816H-XI new-products

16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5816RH-XI 16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5816RH-XI new-products

16CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5832H-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5832H-XI new-products

32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5832RH-XI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5832RH-XI new-products

32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864H-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5864H-XI new-products

64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 36 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864RH-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5864RH-XI new-products

64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 36 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports redundant power, RAID 0/1/5/6/10, N+M cluster, and iSCSI, and has a drawer-like chassis design that allows HDD hot swapping.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864-XI 64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5864-XI new-products

64CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 24 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5832-XI  32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5832-XI new-products

32CH 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 24 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, Raid 0/1/5/6/10, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5432-16P-XI 32CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5432-16P-XI new-products

32CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 32 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5416-16P-XI 16CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5416-16P-XI new-products

16CH 1.5U 16POE 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 512/512/512 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5432-XI 32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5432-XI new-products

32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 24 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 24-channel perimeter protection; 32-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5416-XI 16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5416-XI new-products

16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5216-16P-XI 16CH 1U 16POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5216-16P-XI new-products

16CH 1U 16POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5208-8P-XI 8CH 1U 8POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5208-8P-XI new-products

8CH 1U 8POE 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 8 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 8-channel perimeter protection; 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5216-XI 16CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5216-XI new-products

16CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max. 384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 16 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 16-channel perimeter protection; 16-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5208-XI 8CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder


NVR5208-XI new-products

8CH 1U 2HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps

> Max.384/384/384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 32 MP.

> Supports AcuPick with up to 8 channels.

> AI by Recorder supports 8-channel face detection and recognition, up to 20 face databases and 200,000 face images; 8-channel metadata; 8-channel perimeter protection; 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Supports N+M cluster, ISCSI.

> Supports QuickPick, EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR5864-I/L 64 Channel 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder



64 Channel 2U 8HDDs WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing

> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total

DAHUA NVR5432-16P-I/L 32 Channel 1.5U 4HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder



32 Channel 1.5U 4HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing
> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total
> 1-8 PoE Ports support ePoE & EoC

DAHUA NVR5216-8P-I/L 16Channel 1U 2HDDs 8PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder



16Channel 1U 2HDDs 8PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing
> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total
> 1-8 PoE Ports support ePoE & EoC

DAHUA NVR5216-16P-I/L 16Channel 1U 2HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder



16Channel 1U 2HDDs 16PoE WizMind Network Video Recorder

> smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG
> Up to 4 Channel video metadata
> Up to 12 Channel perimeter protection,SMD Plus
> Up to 4 Channel video stream face recognition
> Up to 16 face pictures/sec processing
> Up to 20 face databases with 200,000 face images in total
> 1-8 PoE Ports support ePoE & EoC

DAHUA NVR5864-16P-EI 64 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5832-16P-EI 32 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5816-16P-EI 16 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5864-EI 64 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5832-EI 32 Channels 2U 8HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 2U 8HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5816-EI 16 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> Support Raid0/1/5/6/10.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5464-16P-EI 64 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5432-16P-EI 32 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5416-16P-EI 16 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5464-EI 64 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



64 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5432-EI 32 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5416-EI 16 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5208-EI 8 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 8 × 8MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5216-16P-EI 16 Channels 1U 16PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1U 16PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5232-8P-EI 32 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5216-8P-EI 16 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5216-EI 16 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 16 × 4MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3

DAHUA NVR5232-EI 32 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32 Channels 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 32 × 2MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR5208-8P-EI 8 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channels 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Max. decoding capability: 32 × 1080p@30 fps or 8 × 8MP@30 fps.

> Max. 384 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Support AcuPick with Max. 16-Channel.

> Support N+M cluster.

> AI by recorder: 2-channel face detection and recognition, 4-channel perimeter protection, and 8-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, metadata, ANPR, stereo analysis, heat map, and people counting.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4816-EI 16CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4832-EI 32CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4832-16P-EI 32CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4816-16P-EI 16CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 2U 16PoE 8HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4432-EI 32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4416-16P-EI 16CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4432-16P-EI 32CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



32CH 1.5U 16PoE 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4416-EI 16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH 1.5U 4HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; ANPR; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116HS-8P-EI 16CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108HS-8P-EI 8CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108HS-P-EI 8CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104HS-P-EI 4CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116HS-EI 16CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108HS-EI 8CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104HS-EI 4CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116-8P-EI 16CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108-8P-EI 8CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108-P-EI 8CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104-P-EI 4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104-P-EI 4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4116-EI 16CH Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16CH Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 256 Mbps (180 Mbps when AI function enabled).

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4108-EI 8CH Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8CH Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR4104-EI 4CH Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4CH Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format.

> Access, storage or forwarding at 80 Mbps.

> Max. decoding capability: 16 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding.

> AI by NVR: 1-channel face detection and recognition; 2-channel perimeter protection; up to 10 face databases and 20,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection; SMD Plus; people counting; stereo analysis; heat map.

> Connected to the third-party network cameras.

> Security baseline 2.3.

DAHUA NVR2216-16P-I2 16 Channel 1U 16PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channel 1U 16PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2208-8P-I2 8 Channel 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channel 1U 8PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2204-P-I2 4 Channel 1U 4PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



4 Channel 1U 4PoE 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2216-I2 16 Channel 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channel 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2208-I2 8 Channel 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channel 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2204-I2 4 Channel 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder



4 Channel 1U 2HDDs WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2108HS-8P-I2 8 Channel Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channel Compact 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2104HS-P-I2 4 Channel Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4 Channel Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2116HS-I2 16 Channel Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channel Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2108HS-I2 8 Channel Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channel Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR)

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2104HS-I2 4 Channel Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4 Channel Compact 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2108-8P-I2 8 Channel Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channel Smart 1U 8PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2104-P-I2 4 Channel Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



4 Channel Smart 1U 4PoE 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2116-I2 16 Channel Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



16 Channel Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR2108-I2 8 Channel Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder



8 Channel Smart 1U 1HDD WizSense Network Video Recorder

> Smart H.265+/H.265/Smart H.264+/H.264/MJPEG decoding format

> Max. decoding capability: 6 × 1080p@30 fps. Supports adaptive decoding

> 1-channel face detection and recognition (AI by NVR); 1-channel perimeter protection (AI by NVR); up to 10 face databases and 5,000 face images; 4-channel SMD Plus (AI by NVR);

> AI by camera: Face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, and SMD Plus

> Connected to the third-party network cameras

> Security baseline 2.1

DAHUA NVR4204-4KS3 4CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



4CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 4 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 160/160/80 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4204-P-4KS3 4CH 1U 4PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



4CH 1U 4PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 4 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 80/80/60 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4208-4KS3 8CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



8CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 160/160/80 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4216-4KS3 16CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



16CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 2 × 8 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 160/160/80 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4216-16P-4KS3 16CH 1U 16PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



16CH 1U 16PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 2 × 8 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 160/160/80 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4208-8P-4KS3 8CH 1U 8PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



8CH 1U 8PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps.

> Max. 160/160/80 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4232-16P-4KS3 32CH 1U 16PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



32CH 1U 16PoE 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 2 × 8 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 160/128/60 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 2-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4232-4KS3 32CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder



32CH 1U 2HDDs Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 2 × 8 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 160/128/60 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 2-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4104HS-4KS3 4CH Compact 1U 1HDD Lite Network Video Recorder



4CH Compact 1U 1HDD Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 4 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 80/80/60 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.

DAHUA NVR4104HS-P-4KS3 4CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD Lite Network Video Recorder



4CH Compact 1U 4PoE 1HDD Lite Network Video Recorder

> Supports Smart H.265+, H.265, Smart H.264+, H.264 and MJPEG decoding formats.

> Max. decoding capability: 8 × 1080p@30 fps or 4 × 4 MP@30 fps.

> Max. 80/80/60 Mbps incoming/recording/outgoing bandwidth.

> Supports IP cameras with a resolution up to 12 MP.

> AI by Recorder supports 4-channel SMD Plus.

> AI by Camera supports face detection and recognition, perimeter protection, SMD Plus, people counting, stereo analysis and heat map.

> Supports EPTZ, and one-click arming and disarming.


Die NVR-Systeme von DAHUA Technology bieten unvergleichliche Zuverlässigkeit, Skalierbarkeit und fortschrittliche Funktionen, um vielfältigen Überwachungsbedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Egal, ob Sie ein kleines Unternehmen, eine Wohnimmobilie oder eine große Industrieanlage sichern, DAHUA NVR-Systeme bieten umfassende, hochwertige Videoüberwachung.

Bei CCTV-MALL sind wir stolz darauf, autorisierter Distributor von DAHUA-Produkten zu sein. Unsere Partnerschaft mit DAHUA ermöglicht es uns, die neueste Überwachungstechnologie mit fachkundigem Support und wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen anzubieten. Für weitere Informationen darüber, wie die NVR-Systeme von DAHUA Ihr Sicherheitssystem verbessern können, besuchen Sie unsere Website www.cctv-mall.com oder kontaktieren Sie uns unter sales@cctv-mall.com.

Machen Sie den ersten Schritt in Richtung fortschrittlicher Sicherheit, indem Sie heute in die hochmodernen NVR-Systeme von DAHUA investieren. Erleben Sie die Sicherheit und den Seelenfrieden, die durch zuverlässige, intelligente und umfassende Überwachungslösungen gewährleistet werden. Lassen Sie CCTV-MALL Ihr vertrauenswürdiger Partner beim Aufbau einer sicheren und geschützten Umgebung für Ihr Unternehmen oder Zuhause sein.

About Author

Written by
Yekel Foruchy

Yekel Foruchy want to share my life in the form of blog, communicate with more people, and hear different voices

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